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Welcome to our Oasis of Hospitality with Arms Wide Open! It’s where the time seems to stand still, where all the troubles are sorrows are chased away. That’s what we want for our Guests – the blissful calmness far away from the hustle and bustle of big city life.

Seeking refuge in a cosy place, pay a visit to our little oasis and pamper your body, caress your aching soul. Arranged in the carefully renovated interiors of the former estate of the fine and famous Mielżyński House, this place tempts you with a wonderful cuisine, with rooms arranged in the most sophisticated fashion which you could ever ask for as well as a blissfully rich SPA offer where nothing is left to chance, really.

Looking for peace or thrill, either the way, come to our retreat. Savour the calmness you lack in your life or work off the stiffness of your bones amidst the forests and lakes all around here.

Once upon a time…

From the second half of the 17th century up until 1939 Chobienice was the seat of the Mielżyński Family, holding the coat of arms Nowina and being in fact one of the finest families in Greater Poland. This family branch was established by the castellan of Śrem, Franciszek Walenty Mielżyński (1682- 1783), who – together with his wife, Krystyna, née Skaławska – founded the Monastery of the Franciscans of the Primitive Observence in Woźniki near Grodzisk, in the vaults of which, there are family graves now. His son was the castellan and voivode of Poznań, Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. He built the Chobienice palace and founded the local church. Until this very day, the spirit of this renowned family can be felt all around the countryside.

Above the palace portico, there is a motto inscribed, professing in Latin „Not for Ourselves, but for the Future Generations”. These words are the driving force of the today’s owners of Chobienice, too.

Eastwards from the palace, there is a grange with farm building dating back to the 18h – 19th century. At present, there is the Ostoja Chobienice Hotel and the Rządcówka Restaurant located there. The Rządcówka originates from the second half of the 18th century. Furthermore, there is also a spacious granary from the second half of the 19th century. Right there, in the attic with skylights, you can choose from among 24 hotel rooms altogether as well as taste the best whiskies, hidden carefully in the mansion cellars. Leading from the Wolsztyn Road, an alley full of old chestnut trees goes up to the estate. In the former stable, where horses for the army used to be bred, there is our pool and SPA now as well as 10 spacious suites. And last but not least, in the barn, we have arranged a rich choice of conference halls and a ball room where receptions for up to 300 Guests take place. This place, born of love for nature and respect for the land, is a gem which nothing can hold a candle to.

Entwined with the countryside, it leads you to the future.

Dawno, dawno temu …

Od 2 poł. XVII w. do 1939 r. Chobienice były siedzibą rodziny Mielżyńskich herbu Nowina, należącej do najbardziej zasłużonych w Wielkopolsce. Założycielem chobienickiej gałęzi tej rodziny był kasztelan śremski Franciszek Walenty Mielżyński (1682- 1783), który wraz z żoną Krystyną ze Skaławskich ufundował klasztor Reformatów w Woźnikach koło Grodziska, w którego podziemiach znalazły się groby rodzinne. Jego synem był kasztelan i wojewoda poznański Józej Klemens Krzysztof Mielżyński (1729-92), kawaler maltański. Wybudował pałac w Chobienicach i ufundował tutejszy kościół. 
Okoliczne wsie do głębi przesiąknięte są historią tego znamienitego rodu. 

Nad portykiem pałacu widnieje łaciński napis „Nie sobie lecz następcom”. Ta dewiza przyświeca również dzisiejszym właścicielom OSTOI Chobienice. 

Na wschód od pałacu położony jest folwark z zabudowaniami z XVIII-XIX w. Dziś OSTOJA Chobienice. Wśród nich znajduje się rządcówka. Dziś Restauracja Rządcówka z 1 poł. XVIII w., oraz okazały spichrz z 2 poł. XIX w, o dachu mansardowym ze świetlikami - dziś 24 pokoje hotelowe oraz piwnica w której zdegustować można najlepsze rodzaje whisky. Od szosy wolsztyńskiej wiedzie do folwarku aleja starych kasztanowców. Dawna stajnia w której hodowano konie między innymi dla wojska, to dziś basen i SPA oraz 10 apartamentów. W stodole zaaranżowano salę balową w której odbywają się dziś przyjęcia na 300 osób oraz liczne sale konferencyjne. Natomiast budynek gorzelni to 19 komfortowo urządzonych pokoi, apartamentów oraz kaplica.

Z umiłowania natury, szacunku do ziemi i dobrze pojętej wiejskości narodziło się to unikalne miejsce. 



Stay packages

Wielkanoc w hotelu Ostoja 2025
for 730 /pers./night
for 730 /pers./night

Rodzinne, pełne kolorów, zapachów i smaków Święta Wielkanocne w Ostoi Chobienice będą obfitować w mnóstwo atrakcji ...

Offer details
Wielkanoc w hotelu Ostoja 2025
In Love with February
for 485 /pers./night
for 485 /pers./night

Candles, aphrodisiacs, magic... take your significant other on a romantic stay at Ostoja - we will take care of the setting ...

Offer details
In Love with February
Longer = cheaper up to -15% with breakfast
for 306 /night
for 306 /night

Relaxation pays off in the Wielkopolska region! Take advantage of our promotion for a stay in Ostoja and enjoy an idyllic ...

Offer details
Longer = cheaper up to -15% with breakfast
Daily Rate - Flexible Offer
for 360 /night
for 360 /night

Best price guarantee for online bookings.

Offer details
Daily Rate - Flexible Offer
for 1 800 /stay
for 1 800 /stay

Surprise your other half and take them on a romantic trip to Ostoja Chobienice. There is nothing more precious in life than ...

Offer details
Girls just wanna have fun!
for 1 730 /stay
for 1 730 /stay

Use the weekend to get together with your girlfriends. Leave the husbands and children at home and give yourself a relaxing ...

Offer details
Girls just wanna have fun!
For wounderful parents
for 1 635 /stay
for 1 635 /stay

Who is our most faithful friend, understanding teacher and guide in life ? PARENTS. They are the ones who teach and lead ...

Offer details
For wounderful parents
See all offers

in a magic oasis

Chobienice 166
64-212 Siedlec, Poland

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